
Welcome to my website. I design knitwear and crochet patterns, as well as create knit and crochet based tutorials!

General Update

Oof, last update Nov 2019? Well, what’s happened since then? Basically so much… But some fun little updates over here…

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I’ve published Numbat Cowl (find on Ravelry here or on Payhip here). A second cowl with a secret pocket!


And also Tien May shawl (found on Ravelry here or Payhip here)! Tien May comes in two shapes, the triangular version above and the 3/4 square version below!

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In other news, you may have noticed a secondary place to purchase Norichan Knits patterns! I’ve been slowly adding patterns to Payhip, and will eventually get all my self published patterns up there. :o) I’ve been working on attempting to get a store working on this site, but that’s going to take a bit longer.


Next up is working on this design here. My mom actually designed this cute tee (Ravelry link), but decided that grading tops was not her thing, so asked me to help her out. So, a fun collaboration is happening, and I’m working on not only grading this top, but also making it a more customizable!

There’s a bit more behind the scenes work happening, which is very exciting, but not as fun because less to share pictures of. One of these things does involve a picture, though… A new logo!!


While I could have went with pink, I decided to go with black so that it would work with any color scheme, and I love that it represents the growth that my design career has seen; including both a knitting needle and a crochet hook. <3

Just a quick update, but will try hard to keep updating here (again).

New Patterns! Ohmay Tee, Rei Pullover, and Jerrica Hat!

Pattern Releases: Charlie Hat and Quoll Cowl!